What If?

What If?What is your all-time favorite food? Mine is strawberry and blueberry oatmeal bake topped with almond butter and yogurt.  I love the combination of whole grain, fruit, nuts, and yogurt. And no flour and no sugar! What if we were told we could never eat our favorite food again? How would we respond?

Stepping outside the physical realm and into the spiritual realm, what is your favorite passage of Scripture you would positively miss the most if you were forced to never read it, hear it, or say it again? Mine is Psalm 23. My maternal grandmother had taught me this psalm when I was a very young girl. I had child-like wonderment of the words and the way she spoke them. I memorized the beautiful psalm. Many years passed, then I became a believer. Later, I spoke those words at the bedside of my dying mother. Psalm 23 connected three generations in a most wonderful way.

As oatmeal bake nourishes my body with goodness, so Psalm 23 nourishes my soul with delight.

The way things are going in our world and at the speed with which they are happening, we could very well see the day when we will not be allowed to read the Bible, meet together to worship, or to even speak the name of Jesus – much like Peter and John experienced in their day.

The two disciples, Peter and John had just healed a lame man when the Sanhedrin arrested them, threatened them, and demanded  to know by what power and in whose name did they heal the lame man. Peter and John confessed that the miracle was the work of the resurrected Christ. The men of the Sanhedrin were furious! They demanded that Peter and John not speak nor teach in the name of Jesus.

But the two disciples, simply said that they would obey God rather than men and went on their merry way and continued to preach the gospel. If you were under the threat of torture and death if you even spoke the name of Jesus, and your Bibles were confiscated, what would you do?

We could and should memorize Scripture. Besides, if the Word of God is on our minds and in our hearts, it would limit space for worldly thoughts and temptations to flourish.

I am working on a project, “Living Life in Christ Bible Study,” and one of the things I touch on is a deceptive tactic Satan uses to tempt us and that is the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life – the same tactic he used on Eve in the Garden of Eden and the same tactic he used on Jesus in the wilderness. Satan succeeded with Eve. However, he failed with Jesus. Can you just hear Jesus saying, “You do realize, Satan, that My Father and I own the entire universe and you are trying to tempt Me to worship you for the little kingdom you have permission to call yours?” Actually, Jesus used a much more effective rebuttal – He quoted Scripture! There is power in God’s Word!

So, what if we memorized Scripture? Satan would have to flee, we would be strengthened in our faith, and those around us would be encouraged. Especially if we were in the midst of severe persecution. What if we were like the five maidens who filled their lamps with oil, ready for the banquet? We would have God’s Word in our hearts, and we would be ready to be seated at the King of king’s banquet! Be prepared! Be ready!