Wanting and Wishing Won’t Make it Happen!

I went to a community college and took every writing class available; I joined a writer’s group; I attended writing workshops. I learned the mechanics of writing, but to add substance to my writing, I had to go to the Lord.

Greetings and What They Convey

When reading the Bible, have you noticed that Jesus greeted only His disciples? Three times. And only after His resurrection. He greeted them saying, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:21) So, what makes Jesus’ greeting of peace so powerful and unique such as, “My peace I give to you.” Jesus’ greeting always included His desire to give His peace.

Questions that Need Answers

“If someone ignores or rejects Jesus and is left behind when the rapture happens, will they have a chance to receive Jesus during the tribulation, or is that opportunity for only those who have not heard the gospel?”