We are bombarded with negative thoughts and news reports from dawn until we go to bed and are able to turn off the outside world. In the stillness of the night, we are left with our thoughts.
Tag: despair
Called Out of Darkness – Part III
On the fifth night after surgery while still in ICU, I awoke around 1:30am. I listened to and loathed the sound of the suction machine plugged into the wall that pumped extra fluids from my incision. The pump to keep circulation in my leg compressed and released, compressed and released. I looked at all the IV tubes that hung like a tangled mass – drip, drip, drip.
What Unravels You?
His world was about to fall apart. He felt like a ship lost at sea with a broken-down engine, a damaged rudder, and mal-functioning radar, and no sign of rescue in a raging storm. He began to unravel at the seams.