God is good and life is difficult. The life of faith is lived between these two realities. And courage is the strength we need to face fear, danger, or hardship.
Many times in our own lives, we reflect the hard truth of that statement in whatever distressful situation we may find ourselves. Whether it is the loss of a loved one and the grief is overwhelming, children or grandchildren gone astray, broken relationships, illness and the dreaded news that it is terminal, a financial earthquake that rattles our being into shambles, or our recruitment into a spiritual battle, we need courage. We need hope. We need God.
We know God is good and sometimes life is just plain hard, and it takes courage in the midst of distress to survive. But, when God calls, He equips! As one goes to a well to draw water for refreshment, believers can go to Scripture to draw courage and hope when we are in the midst of distress.
The Bible is filled with numerous examples of real people in real situations that required courage and bravery like Esther, for instance. Esther was an orphan girl who became queen of Persia. She courageously approached King Xerxes to plead for him to spare the lives of her people – the Jews. “If I die, I die,” she told her uncle who had instructed her in the ways of the true God. And the Jews were spared. When God calls, He leads.
Deborah was a judge over Israel and a prophetess who, along with Barak, led the Israelites in battle. It took courage and strength and faith to be obedient to the call of such a daunting task, but God equipped her with all she needed. Deborah did not grab the glory, however. That glory belonged to another woman, Jael, who played a crucial role in the Israelite victory over the Canaanites by killing Sisera, commander of the enemy army by driving a tent peg into his temple. That took courage in action! When God calls, He defends.
Men were called to be brave and courageous as well. Joshua was called to the daunting task of leading the people of Israel into the promised land and doing battle with the people who occupied the land. God said to him, “Have I not called you? Be strong and courageous.” When God calls, He defeats the enemy.
David, a teenager, challenged and defeated the giant Goliath. David demonstrated courage and faith in God’s power and protection. He killed the armor-ladened giant with a stone and a sling and was praised for his bravery. When God calls, He equips.
Daniel was a young Jewish man who with courageous faith defied the decree forbidding the worship of God even though the consequences were that he would be thrown into the lion’s den. But God protected Daniel. When God calls, He protects.
While I was working on this blog, I received a text message from a friend from Ohio. The message was heart-breaking. Carol’s 29 year-old granddaughter, Shelby, was diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. She is facing aggressive chemo 23 hours a day for five days, then two weeks off for five sessions. Because she is an oncology nurse, she had to take the covid vaccine. She is facing the future with courage and trust in God to lead her every step of the way. She is engaged and their future is suddenly clouded with uncertainty. Yet her faith remains strong. Carol is rallying the prayer warriors to action. When God calls, He rallies the troops.
If you are in a situation that requires courage, bravery, faith and trust in the midst of distress, remember, when God calls, He provides.
Bring your burdens to the Lord in prayer. Ask others to join you in prayer for your situation. Trust in the Lord. You are not alone. Keep the faith. Do not abandon hope