Ask, Seek, Knock

Every soul that is saved has its own story in God’s redemptive plan. That makes every story worthy of sharing!
Who knows? Maybe your testimony will be the source that gives another person the beginning of his story? And the beat goes on.


Three days ago, the day an innocent Man died, Jesus hung His in death, but not in defeat! On the first day of the week, a few women with spices nestled in their baskets hurried to the tomb. It was so early the sunflowers along the dusty road still had their heads bowed, but the women did not notice. They were on a mission! As they approached the tomb, Mary Magdalene gasped! “The stone has been rolled away!” They clasped each other’s hands as they crept into the tomb.  They stared in disbelief.  “There’s no body,” Joann said, in a Read More