Here’s a Biblical example of a label that carries a negative degrading tone. John 1:47 records the event when Philip found Nathanael and told him they had found the One whom the prophets had written about – Jesus of Nazareth! Nathanael’s flat response was, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”
Category: discernment
What If?
Satan succeeded with Eve. However, he failed with Jesus. Can you just hear Jesus saying, “You do realize, Satan, that My Father and I own the entire universe and you are trying to tempt Me to worship you for the little kingdom you have permission to call yours?” Actually, Jesus used a much more effective rebuttal – He quoted Scripture!
The Eclipse – Natural or Supernatural?
So, what makes 2024’s total eclipse so different than the one in 2017? It is not so much the total eclipse that makes it rare – it is the path it takes. This eclipse will enable 31.6 million people to witness it compared to 12 million in 2017.